1) Lack of Follow Up: Leadership capability is built over a lifetime of experience, so why does support stop after a couple of sessions? Take a workshop, for example, 3 days of class work, and little- no on-the-job follow up= no change in behaviour.

2) No Measurements: The program could have been very rewarding, but how do you know/ demonstrate that? No measurement points, before, during or after the program leads to no demonstrated ROI- good luck explaining that one to the execs.

3) Unreliable Witnesses: Many programs are created from a need’s analysis and the normal process… gathering perception-based observations. One unreliable witness could send your program down the completely wrong path.

4) Over-complicated: If the ‘professionals’ have a difficult time making sense of the ‘psychology’ then how can we expect our next Leaders to understand (always wondered what it meant to be an ‘Earthy Leader’).

5) Poor Communication: A vital part of any program is communicating the ‘why’ to the participants. If the information is not relayed clearly and concisely then the participants will not be engaged.

Familiar story? Get in touch.